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Turn off your device and socialize


We all have very busy lives with work, families and homes to run. We all promise to catch up with old friends, but social media seems to be our "go to' form of "connecting". Years can go before we experience that face to face connection.

Turn off your devices and pick up the phone and call someone you haven't seen in a while.

Set a date to meet up. Pick a place to do an activity together- a paint night, trivia night, sports and recreation. As children we all met for recess and played. As adults we still need that time to play. Make a promise today. Studies show that people that socialize on a regular basis lead happier lives.

Out Of Our Heads hosts a variety of bar trivia events throughout Calgary and surrounding areas. If you are a food and drink establishment, give us a call today to book your weekly events. Everybody needs time to reconnect and have fun.


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