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Has your event been side swiped by an un-forseen circumstance?


Have you been planning your event for the past six months, expending all your efforts to deliver a successful and memorable affair? All of a sudden, a major snowstorm hits and you can't get your money back? You booked a room at a catered venue and all of a sudden, your home team makes it into the hockey playoffs. You are surrounded by attendees complaining they would rather watch the game that night? These kinds of unforseen circmstances can be very stressful.

Here are some helpful tips to ensure your hardwork pays off and your event is a runaway success!

1. Before booking the event, check the calendar and check online to ensure there is no other holidays or major events happening that night.

2. Come up with at least three date options and give those options to a few selected guests.

3. Before booking the venue, check into the venue's cancellation policy and or/ postponement.

4. Always have a back up plan in the case of bad weather or a major event. i.e. Move the event inside, customize the entertainment.

5. Have a sense of humour. These things are not your fault, and people understand. In the end, everyone wants to have fun!

Planning events can be a very stressful time. Always be prepared in the case of unforseen circumstances- check a calendar, ask the experts, and always have a Plan B. As long as you are prep

ared for anything, your event will be a fun and memorable time!

At Out Of Our Heads we understand your frustration. Six months ago a client booked our Game Night at an upscale pub for a 60th birthday party. Two days before the scheduled event, the client was worried because the event occurred during a playoff game. The hockey playoffs were not even in her radar when she booked the event. To make matters worse, all of the attendees were very avid hockey fans. When we arrived at the venue, there were over 7 large televisions blasting the game. We all kept our cool, embraced the situation, and catered the Game Show with trivia and challenges geared towards the hockey game. The audience loved it, and it ended up being better than anyone expected. All that mattered to us was that people were having fun, and they all were.

To learn more about The Game Show, go to our Services page.

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